6"x6" Reveal: Cat on Quilt

Cat on Quilt, 2018
Acrylic on canvas
6" x 6"
My painting for the annual RoCo 6"x6" is revealed! I was inspired by my cat, Jasper, and this quilt (also featured in Assembly, 2017) that I found at a secondhand store. Click the image for a larger view. Someone bought it on opening night, which certainly boosted my ego. I'm actually amazed someone bought it so soon, considering it was in the back room, in the corner, and at the bottom near the floor. Took me a while to find it in there. I used Golden Open Acrylics for this painting, my first time in a few years painting with acrylics. Of course, now that I work so much with acrylics for my job, I will certainly be experimenting with more acrylic materials.
Open Acrylics are slower-drying than typical acrylics, making them a good choice for slow workers like myself and oil painters who may be looking for an acrylic compromise. In the low humidity of January, I found they dried fairly quickly, and I dismissed them. I found that when I tried them again in February/March, they were slower-drying, and to my pleasant surprise, I could leave them out overnight with no problem. Actually, once I mixed all the colors I would need for this painting and finished my first session, I covered them with plastic wrap and didn't come back to them for a week - still wet! Thicker puddles take forever to dry, so your colors on the palette will stay wet, while your thin strokes on your painting substrate will dry in the span of a few hours (of course, depending on the humidity). While they don't feel or behave at all like oil paints, Open Acrylics eliminate a big drawback for me of using acrylics - drying time.
Posted on: August 12, 2018
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